
Berlin and Zurich Exhibits of James Warhola's Work
Original Rosie (2019)
Twisty (2010)
Mona1 (2015)
GarbageMan (2018)
Flashing Queen (2019)
FanBlown (2015)
ZippedOut (2002)
Hour Glass Rothko (2018)
Great American Trashcan #2 (2018)
Spooky (2016)
Rozee 4x (2019)
Sixteen Flashing Queens are Better than One (2019)
Sixteen Rozees (2019)
Four Monas (2018)
Great American Trashcan 9x (2018)
Nine Monas (2018)
Three Monas (2019)
Great American Businessman 9x (2018)
Four Rozees (2019)
Great American Trashcan 4x (2018)
Great American Trashcan 16x (2018)
Great American Trashcan 30x (2018)
Great American Trashcan #1 (2018)

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